Should I dare brave this topic… “Relationships”


I used to think I wanted what I could not have, but that is a load of crock. When it comes to dating, that is what people tell you if you are single, picky, or end up talking to unavailable guys. It is an excuse people throw at you to justify your actions. Now, I cannot speak for others who might actually be going after guys or things they cannot have, but it does not pertain to me anymore. I let myself be fooled into thinking it was my fault and that I must not want the right guys, but in reality, it is not my fault. Us girls need to stop thinking it is our fault we are single. I will no longer blame myself for the stupidity of a guy’s actions.

((SIDENOTE: This can pertain to both males or females, so no, I am not picking sides or calling out the opposite sex. I am only speaking from experience.))

 People ask, “Why are you and your friends single?” In return, I should ask, “Why are you married?” “Why did you pick HIM?” “Why did you have children?” These are all valid questions, but you do not hear us singles asking non-single people these questions. So why is it okay for people to constantly question the uncommitted?

 If you, yourself, are wondering why, I can spew out so many dating examples over the last three years it would make your stomach churn and lose all faith in humanity.   Or at least our generation and their lack of commitment and dating skills. Do not get me wrong. I have made my own mistakes, broken hearts, cared about people, and gotten my heart broken. But that does not mean I intentionally lie, cheat, scam, or hurt people. I am very honest with how I feel and where I stand on topics; sometimes I think that is my downfall.

 After my last meaningful relationship, I had not one, but two guys date me that were emotionally unavailable. Both having just been cheated on by ex-fiancées, I should have seen “rebound” being thrown as a label onto my forehead. Along with them, I have dated many guys who were not emotionally ready to care about someone, not even themselves. For these guys of my past, I will forgive them. I, too, have not been ready to give my heart away, because I was still working on my own life and happiness.

 It’s the “physically” unavailable guys that I could kick off the side of the Earth.   I have seen guys cheat on my friends, lie to them, hurt them, play them, manipulate them, use them… the list could go on. I could have kicked many jackasses in the name of the people I care about. Then, the more I dated, the more I observed this shadiness face-to-face. One guy gave me the whole “helpless, lonely, I’m super sweet act.” Living in a small town, people talk and give their opinions about whether you should date someone or not. In this guy’s case, he had many friends rooting for him. So I said, sure, why not, I’ll give him a chance. Next thing I know, his ex kindly approached me, only for me to find out he was trying to date us both. After her and I consulted, we found out he was feeding us the same stories/lies, and trying to make each other look crazy when we confronted him. After many fake tears, and still giving him the benefit of the doubt, he still continued to try to date both of us. And yet, he was a “nice guy.”

 Another guy that everyone kept telling me to give a chance because he was a “nice guy” was a close friend since high school and someone who everyone thinks is “the sweetest guy on Earth” turns out to be the biggest liar on Earth. He has tried dating me since high school, making up elaborate stories so I pity him, lying to other people I care about in my life to get rid of them, and hurting the people in their lives. This guy tried with me again recently, telling me all the perfect things girls want to hear: that we are special, the only one for them, that we are amazing, make them feel like the only person in the world, buying flowers, dates, tickets to fun events, so on and so forth. Except, he has an ex fiancée on the side. Anytime I told him we had no chance, he would go back to her. The slightly friendly action I would show him (friendly, I said friendly, not romantic), he would drop her. In the end, her and I had an adult conversation and realized he was lying, making up stories, and being psychotic to both of us. Thankfully, I never pursued him nor wanted anything romantic with him.

Then there’s another winner. For years he has tried with me… flirting, asking to see me, venting about his significant other, saying how “perfect of a Portuguese housewife” I would be, saying I am one of his closest friends, talking to me day in and day out, etc. Now, in this case, I did know he had someone, so I would not interfere and be a home-wrecker. We were friends, and remained that way for years. Whenever I would have someone, he would give me a hard time, as if it was a crime that I was dating other people. Whenever I was single, he would give me a story, lies actually, about how his significant other moved out or they broke up. Now, give me a break. I enjoyed this guy’s conversation. And at first, I believed it. Hell, other people validated his stories, or should I say lies, so why wouldn’t I believe a “nice guy?” Nice guy, nice family, nice job, similar values, and so on. So I gave him a chance, only to find out the significant other was always in the picture and never left the picture. We can call me stupid on this one, but why would he continue for years trying to play both me and his significant other? You either want them or you do not. You either want a chance with me or you do not. You are not getting both. End. Of. Story. Period.

I have had wonderful guys show up in my life, become my friend, try doing anything and everything for me so they can “prove” how “amazing” I am. Well, BULLSHIT. Anytime I slightly show interest back in these men, I find out they have someone, or just want a hook-up after all that hard work they put in, or they are engaged, or married, or whatever lie these guys throw my way. One guy ignores the fact that he is engaged and still wants something on the side with me; no sir, that is called a side-chick. And no, I will not take that title. Thank you! Another one was married and wanted me to hook him up with friends. Um, no, they too have been hurt, and are not a piece of meat, but thank you, come again. Some have had girlfriends, told me how much they care about me, and act like we have a chance, but in the end I know not to pursue it due to their situations. I’m happy I dodge these assholes, but do other girls forgive that easily after being hurt year after year after year? Many of my examples have been taken back by their significant others that know perfectly well how they behave. Why, why, do people let themselves be treated this way? But then I am the picky one for not wanting to put up with such disgraceful behavior? But then even giving a “nice guy” the benefit of the doubt and getting to know him backfires in my face, so who am I to believe?

Why, why, why do men do this? (Or women, again, can go both ways). Why must people lie, be insensitive, and be plain assholes? Clearly they can continue doing it if they get what they want. What is that saying, “Why buy the cow if the milk is free?” My cheesy line to these people is, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too,” so they just move on, knowing they can get it from someone else. I am so sick of being in ridiculous dating situation after dating situation. Why can’t we have opportunities to go on normal dates?  Take me out to dinner, for a stroll, to a movie, whatever, just make it mean something!  I don’t even care if nothing comes out of it but a civil interaction or a funny story, but stop thinking that “hey let’s meet up” or “come over” is a valid way to ask a girl out.  And the nice ones? I am sorry, but even the few nice ones that I have dated have rushed, and no exaggeration, RUSHED, to the topic of marriage and children on the first date. Whoa now, just because I want something serious and I am romantic does not mean I want clingy, psycho, guy who does not even know me and wants to have my babies.

 I have heard and seen it happen to many of my friends, male and female. People lying, leading each other on, using one another, hooking up with multiple people. People I know that blatantly cheat on their girlfriends and/or their side-chick, both of them knowing this is going on, and yet, they both let it continue. People share with me their faulty actions and, yet, think it is okay. People have left the people I love the most hanging dry at the worst moments of their lives. People change their minds more than they change their underwear.  How in the world is it so easy to throw around these “right” words and use the word “love” when in reality, so many people are full of stinking shit. Shouldn’t we be blaming the men and not each other as females? Shouldn’t we want more for ourselves and not settle? Shouldn’t we want someone to compliment us, not complete us?

 So you ask, my friend, why are you single Anita? Why are you so bitter, shut-off, cold, and close-minded to dating? Why won’t you give these nice guys a chance Anita?

Because I do, people. I date. I am open-minded. I talk to many people, meet many people, keep my options open, and do not judge or shut anyone down. I am friendly, interact with new people I meet, and give everyone a chance. Yes, I have stopped dating for awhile, but it is not because I am bitter or picky. It is becaue I am happy. Happy to have a good job, my family, my friends, my hobbies, my health, and my sanity, despite dealing with these psycho dating situations. My friends are amazing women, strong, intelligent, funny, well-rounded, and also open and honest. But do not tell me or them we should be married by now. Do not tell me “he’s such a nice guy,” when he fudged over his girlfriend last weekend. Do not tell me I am picky when I am better than settling for someone who is going to hurt me. I know what I want and I am finally at a happy place in my life. Why would I let a man ruin that? When so many of us were raised with such positive relationships from our parents, and such amazing fathers, why wouldn’t we expect something half as amazing as that?  Maybe that is our weakness.  We actually expect something meaningful, honest, and real to come our way.


My BabyCakes Isabella

Over this past year, I feel like I have seen my niece grow from a baby into an adult. When I moved out here to Boston, she refused to believe that I was gone. Every time I Face-Timed her, she would ask if I was in California (since I had previously visited there) or on vacation. She would constantly ask to see my apartment through the phone and ask me a million and one questions. Whenever I visit home, she asks me when I am done with Boston and why I do not live with my “mommy and daddy” anymore. Anytime we are all home together for a holiday, she says she “wishes family day was every day” and gets upset when all of us have to work. Anytime I pick up the phone and call her, she speaks to me as if she is a little lady, asking me important questions and telling me all about her days. When she finally visited my apartment, she thought it was too far but thinks I am cool because I own a “footum” (futon) and live close to Georgetown cupcakes and the “Arthur” museum.

My precious little Babycakes turned five this year. FIVE! On top of it, she is now in Kindergarten, taking 3 different dance classes that she loves, and learning how to play soccer. I cannot believe this little human being entered our lives over 5 years ago. She has changed everyone around her for the better (and knows she’s important). Being raised by 5 adults, she acts like a 6th adult member of our family, participating in conversations and attempting to get her way. Who could not love such a cute little girl? It sickens me when I see horror stories on TV or in the news about people harming children. How can anyone do something bad to a helpless little being?

I do not know what my future holds. Nor do I know if and when I will have my own children. What I do know is having Isabella in our family is the greatest experience I have ever felt. Loving another human being more than yourself, wanting to do anything and everything for them, wishing you could give them the world… that is love. And I’m not even her mother! She has made me realize how precious my family ties are, how wonderful a child can be, and how much my own sister, parents, and aunts/uncles must love me. It breaks my heart every single time I have to leave my short visits with her, but it makes coming home to Ludlow all the worthwhile. After all, home is where the heart is ❤

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.Run While You Can.



     All over my news feed this week has been the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  When my roommate first mentioned it to me last week, I still had not seen it nor did I have ANY idea what she was talking about—until I signed onto Facebook the next day.  From that moment on, my news feed has been drowning with iced water and drenched family members and friends.  At first, I was skeptical.  How can social media obsessed people dumping a bucket of iced cold water over their head help with such a horrible disease such as ALS?  But then I started seeing better videos, more information, and more donations.  When society can join together, use social media for good purposes, and raise awareness to a disease that is not as highly mentioned, than that is when I applaud such advertising.  Forget the attention-seeking people doing it for acknowledgement and give kudos to people doing something for the greater good of others.  It is about putting out positive vibes and awareness of social issues into the world, not about nit picking the minor details.

      For those of you who still do not understand what ALS is, it stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.”  According to the ALS Association, it is a “progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.”  Also, because your motor neurons die in this situation “the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may become totally paralyzed.”  This disease eventually leads to death.  I’d advice everyone to look up information on their own for further self-education.

If you can donate, donate.  If you want to donate and pour freezing cold water on you, more power to you.  If you cannot donate, heck that is fine too, but at least help pass on the ALS awareness. 

     Now, all over your news feed you must see Angela and I constantly thanking people for donations and preparing for our own run for awareness to Boston Children’s Hospital and Make-A-Wish Foundation of MA & RI.  These may not be diseases, but they are organizations that give back to so many people with different diseases and illnesses.  For us, raising awareness and funds for these groups helps give back to people in our local community, specifically children dealing with life-threatening illnesses.  Again, we thank everyone who has donated—you will never fully know how much we appreciate it.  For those of you who can donate, we thank you for every penny contributed.  For those of you who cannot, that’s fine!  But just like ALS, help with raising awareness to these amazing organizations in the state of MA.  Everybody picks and chooses what they share with others, what organizations they donate to, and what populations they want to help.  Most of the time, people reach out to the ones that touch home and mean most to their hearts.  I may not know anyone with ALS, but I will do my best in spreading awareness for such a disease and educating myself on what it encompasses.  I chose Make-A-Wish Foundation because it touches my heart.  If I won the lottery, I already know my money would go towards specific organizations, foundations, and charities.  I know I cannot help every group out there, so all we can do is play our parts and help in the little ways we can.

     So it has been asked, why did I start running?  I run because it gives me energy.  I run because it feels great after an intense cardio session outdoors.  I run because it brings me different places and I can appreciate the beauty around me.  I run because it gives me a natural high, a feeling that I can do anything I set my mind to.  I run because I was known as “the chubby girl” and hated being incompetent during gym classes throughout school.  I run because it is going towards a good cause.  I run because at one point in my life, I thought I would never be able to again…  I run because I can.

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 “Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way they could never go back to the person they once were.”



I was blessed by not only one sister (who is also like a 2nd mother to me), but a second, un-biological sister. Only 23 days apart, her mother, ready-to-pop, shoes-unlaced, would come waddling up the stairs to visit my mother and I, as a newborn. We were baptized together, celebrated birthdays together, raised together, and went through school together.

 At two months old, we already had unspoken words being exchanged just through our looks. To this day, I swear she can read my mind, whether I am giving her a look or by my mannerisms. All of our first days of school, people we knew, games we played, toys we shared, secrets we would keep—they were all experienced with each other. Heck, we even had chicken pox together. Who wouldn’t want to be out of school sick stuck with their best friend? She was treated like another daughter by my parents and another sister by my own sister. We share a lot of the same stories, vacations, and memories overall. Her family became my family (even more than it already is). Our family trees cross, as do our paths.

There are many friends that you share amazing memories with; the good times, the boy stories, the laughs, the vacations, the concerts, the sporting events, the long nights out. Those stories are always memorable and full of friendships. She is in most of them. But she is also in all of my worst stories. She has been there through every fight I may have had with family or friends, every boyfriend, every date, every scrape in the backyard, every bad grade, every turning point in the road. She has been there through THE WORST moments. Passing away of loved ones, cancer treatments, and roller coasters of emotions. She knows how to handle me for the most part, understands me, is there for me, and knows how to interact with me, during good times and bad. Sometimes, she probably sees things faster than I do. Many times, she does not have to speak to me verbally, because she knows I can already tell in her behaviors what is happening in her life. We can talk for hours, or sit in silence for hours, either way we feel the same.

Although she has seen me through my best and worst, I never thought I would have to see her through her worst. When it comes to the people you love, you do not picture them in traumatic situations. You cannot bear to picture them suffering or leaving your life, because you do not know what you would do without them. As if we did not share enough, she was diagnosed with cancer. Not one type, but two different types. How do you face your best friend when you know what she has been through? How do you remain a rock for her, when she was your rock for so many years? How do you convince her everything will be okay, when you know she has some dark days ahead of her? Well, you do it. You do it because she is a part of you. You do whatever you can, whenever you can, even if you are not physically there for her, because you want the best for this person.

Claudia Sofia is a friend, a daughter, a cousin, a goddaughter, a niece, a sister, a godmother, an honorary Aunt to most little kids, a classmate, a coworker, and so much more. She is also a newly graduated nursing candidate. She has endured fake people, rude comments, long hours studying, heartache, chemotherapy, radiation, hair loss, sickness, exhaustion, and exam after exam after exam (both in class and in the hospital). She has seen the love of strangers, the bond of family and friends, the endurance and strength within herself, and the amazingness her life has yet to bring her. I believe everything that has happened to her will not only make her stronger, but make our bond even stronger than it already was. I believe she has learned so many valuable lessons over the past year that she will not only take into her relationships with others, but relationships with her future patients.

Claudia is graduating college today, not only as a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a friend, or a niece, but as both a nurse and a cancer fighter. She has more support around her, more love, than anyone can imagine. Her strength and beauty shines through her radiant smile, even if many tears have fallen over and over again. She will make one of the most compassionate nurses out there, understanding both her patients on one side and their families on the other. She has stood on my side being my supporter, and has been supported by all of us around her. I cannot wait to see her turn into a bride, a mother, a wife, a grandmother, an aunt… I am proud having been graced with such an amazing human being for all of my life. Everyone else who has met her can surely say the same.

Congratulations Claudia Sofia Crespo, we all love you more than words on this screen can express. More than gifts will ever show. More than hugs will ever deliver. We love you to the moon and back.


“Living on the Bright Side…”

Complaining and stress is a part of life. The hustle and bustle of everyday tasks can push you into a routine of nonstop movement and annoyances. At work, there are stressful situations that pop up, aggravating bosses, deadlines, politics, and interactions with coworkers. You may love your job and see it as your career, or you may hate it and only drag yourself to it on a day to day basis to get a paycheck. At home, there are bills, errands, things to keep up with, cleaning, cooking, and laundry. With friends, there are interactions between different personalities, trying to be there for one another, social demands, and making time to be with the ones you care about. With family, there are expectations and the need to take care of one another, along with wanting to be around the ones you love. From sunrise to sunset, we face issues with commuting, money, social media, school, jobs, politics, groceries, news, bills, interactions with others, health, homes, apartments, landlords, bosses, coworkers, friends, families, traffic… the list could go on and on. In a world full of chaos, hatred, demands, and negativity, how do we stay afloat and positive?

I tell myself most of the time, “Anita you have seen very difficult times, this is but a bump in the road.” And for the most part, it is true. My family, friends, and I have all been through our own personal problems and traumatic moments together. We know what dark times look like, so we know how to enjoy the bright moments that come into our lives. On a day to day basis, I can say I am happy or trying to find the silver lining in every situation. However, we cannot always be full of sunshine. There are moments where we forget that things could be worse, and we focus on the little, mundane, negative things. We let those effect our mood and bring us down. Whether we wear our moods on our sleeves, take it out on others, or only show it when we are alone, everyone lets the negativity consume them at times. It is easy to be upset and look at life as “glass half empty.” It’s easy letting others around you or situations that occur get the best of you. Staying in bed when you do not want to get up or building a wall around yourself, it is all easy.

The hardest thing to do, you ask? That’s being positive. Showing people your smile even when there are 100 things you could complain about. Helping others even when they hurt you. Walking through the rain but still coming out upbeat. People take complaining for negativity. No. The people who care about you, they are there for you to listen to these stressors that pop into your life, that way you do not carry them around with you. The key thing to do is let these negative things slide by you or vent about them to get them out of your system, but then keep on moving. There is no point dwelling on things you cannot change or people you cannot change. If you can change something, then go after what will make the situation better and you a better person. Either way, do something. Do not fester in the negativity and stress. Learn from these situations, absorb them, process them, then let them go.

All that matters is your happiness and positivity, because then it will shine onto others. Being negative all the time will not get you anywhere. Remember, being positive is hard. But it only makes you a stronger person in the end.



One of my favorite quotes, from one of my favorite books/movies, starring my favorite actress.  If you haven’t read Eat, Pray, Love, it is a must.  Although it is not a right off the press, brand new release, it will definitely leave an impression on you.


“Two Places, One Heart”


Continuing my thoughts from the last post, I have to say that this quote has stayed with me for months…

Where do you call home? Is it the place you were raised? Is it the house you were born in or the house your family currently owns? Is it with your parents, your siblings, your friends, your significant other, or your own children? Is home your own place you live in now? I have always heard, “Home is where the heart is.” But where is your heart? Do you have your heart in the places questioned above or somewhere else?

 Growing up, I saw my parents struggle with this, even if we never discussed it. Most of my family was born and raised in Portugal. At a young age, my father left Portugal and came here with his family. Yes, he had his family here with him, but what about his homeland back in Northern Portugal? Part of his heart will always remain there, even if we are here with him. And my mother, getting married so young and moving here, leaving her parents, brother, relatives, and everything she knew back in Montalegre. Although she always had a part of her overseas, she also had her husband, house, friends, and children here in the U.S. Who’s to say your heart ever fully follows you to one location? I cannot speak for them, but they must have felt torn between two lives, two places, parts of them separated…

 Here I am, only an hour from Ludlow, and I feel a part of what they must have felt. I can easily hop into my car and drive to see my family if I miss them dearly, but what about them? They could not hop on a plane whenever they chose to visit their hometown or families. Even when we did, it was heartbreaking watching them leave at the end of our vacations there.

 Does your heart ever feel whole again? A big chunk of me is in Ludlow.  It is where I grew up, where my family is, my friends, my history… a hometown bond you can never break with your heart.  Part of me is in West Hartford, with all of the amazing women I met during my graduate studies. They are now moving all over the country for their internships. Does that mean part of my heart is going with them? Another part of my heart is in Portugal. Seeing where my family comes from, the beauty of the landscape, the richness of the culture; it pulls at my heartstrings every time I go there. Other parts of me are in places I have traveled to and people I have met. A piece of me was left in Mexico with the interesting people we met and amazing memories. Another piece left me every time I saw the breath-taking sunsets along the coast of Southern California. Other pieces of me are scattered out all over with all the people I have met, worked with, that have influenced me, and that I love. Recently, my heart has grown a fondness for Boston; a city of history, culture, uniqueness, intelligence, beauty, and strength. It is where I have met such wonderful coworkers, stumbled upon such cool restaurants and shops, and found parts of me I did not know existed.

 So tell me, where can you find your heart? Because what I’ve learned, is my heart will never be whole again. My heart has been scattered into pieces, and not because it is broken, but because it is too big to stay only within myself. I want my heart to be felt within the people I have crossed paths with, the places I have stepped foot in, the experiences I have yet to encounter, and the people I have yet to meet. Although I will never feel my heart whole again, it only makes me feel more rich with the pieces it has left behind. And when all else fails… I know I can find pieces of it in the people that love me.

“Ludlowdian to Bostonian…”

The last 8 months or so have been a whirlwind. From living in Ludlow, to having to see your best friend go through such a traumatic life experience, to seeing two amazing people in your family get married and build a life together, finally seeing California, birthdays, babies being born, changing jobs, moving to Boston, holidays, meeting new people, acquiring adult responsibilities, working on friendships, and growing as a person has all felt like a dream or a rollercoaster. I mean, I get it. It is a part of life. All of these things plus more have happened already in 26 years of living and will continue to happen for as long as I am on this Earth. What amazes me is how, sometimes, so many life-altering experiences happen at once. I could never imagine myself now if you asked me last summer to picture the year 2014. Going from a small town, community oriented, primarily Portuguese and Polish setting, with family and friends everywhere you turn and stability, to a movement-filled city, people of all different backgrounds, no one knowing your name or history, having to take care of yourself, “becoming an adult,” gaining independence, having so much to explore, traffic, unknown streets, proving yourself at a new job, and constantly on the search to better yourself… it is all a shock. How so much can change in such a short amount of time, yet in some aspects, so many things still remain the same, is beyond my comprehension. When did I go from being a Ludlowdian and become a Bostonian? Am I only one or the other, or can I call myself both? Does the change and growth ever stop? Will I settle one day and have everything figured out? Obviously, no. Life will always be a series of change, growth, learning, falling, and getting up.

I have part of my life back home where I was raised, “where everybody knows your name.” They know my parents, my sister, my past, and my personality. Even if they do not know, they ask “who do you belong to,” assume they know, or gossip to find out who you are. On that same note, they come together as a community to help one another because they know everyone and are so close-knit. But, I also have the part of me that is growing and absorbing all these new experiences. The part of me that likes being unknown, likes being an individual, and people getting to know me from scratch. I can no longer identify myself with only one place.

When you branch out, you cut some of your roots from the ground while you are trying to grow your own set of wings, only to remain stuck in the middle of where you belong, trying to grow but also hold on to where you came from. But I’ll get to that at a later date…

—Until Next Time, AAA


“We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney